


Multimedia Story

My name is Jaasmin Foote. I’m from the quiet pastoral woods of Clinton, MD. Instead of bus stations and convenient stores every few miles, we have horses, chickens, and cows. The closest bus station to my house is about 20 minutes away, so I grew up climbing trees and playing kickball, secretly tape-recording house guests, and scribbling in composition books.

I’m a 25 year-old senior at Hood College majoring in English with a Creative Writing concentration. I became interested in news writing last semester while taking a few classes and completing a PR/ Marketing internship at Mission of Mercy in Frederick, MD.

 I am making plans to move to California in one year to pursue my dreams of being a writer for sitcoms, movies, and children’s books. Although I enjoy fiction writing the most, I’ve discovered that news writing can also be fun. I plan to submit articles to local newspapers as well. I have also gotten endless suggestions that I would be a good candidate serve as a TV personality, so I plan to dabble in that as well.